7th Edition: Trends in Marketing Communications Law For nearly half a decade, patent troll suits have been on the decline. Indeed, as we reported last year, the Supreme Court has gone out of its way to curb the worst patent troll abuses in order to protect innovators and call the viability of Continue Reading
Patent Troll Suits Down, Not Out in 2018
6th Edition: Trends in Marketing Communications Law Over the past half-decade, Congress and the courts have made aggressive efforts to curb the worst abuses of the patent system. In 2013, Congress passed the America Invents Act (AIA), which established the Patent Trial and Appeal Board (PTAB) to Continue Reading
Supreme Court Seeks to Curb the Worst Abuses of the Patent System
5th Edition: Trends in Marketing Communications Law Congress, commentators and a wide variety of industry leaders have long noted that the patent system was broken. Besieged by a tide of weak patents and baseless patent troll litigations, these stakeholders argued that the current patent climate Continue Reading
Intellectual Property Magazine | Trouble in Patent Troll Paradise?
Patent Troll Cases Unlikely To Drop Significantly
4th Edition: Trends in Marketing Communications Law The statistics are striking. "Patent trolls" (companies that do not create products or services based on their patents, but instead use patents to extort license fees) are continuing to file large numbers of patent infringement lawsuits, now Continue Reading